SMR Protocol - AEMS RED Book
On December 18, 2013, the AEMS Board of Governors approved the Spinal Motion Restriction (SMR) protocol as an addition to the AEMS RED Book - Chapter 3, Part I / Standing Orders for Paramedics. Click Here for SMR protocol contained in RED Book.
Supporting Literature
SMR Instruction Presentation
Note: The Powerpoint file below is large so it may take time to load so please be patient.
SMR Powerpoint Presentation - saved in Powerpoint format
Note: The PDF file below is large so it may take time to load so please be patient.
SMR Powerpoint Presentation - saved in PDF format
IMPORTANT NOTE: This presentation was developed by Franco Castro-Marin, MD. In the PDF version of the file above it contains notes that are not readily visible in the PDF format. To view these notes, in your Adobe Acrobat Reader, you must go to View, and then click on Annotations - the notes will then appear in a sidebar.
SMR Training
A training that provides educaiton on the newest SMR procedures/techniques, background, and implementation is in the process of being planned. Check back for dates and locations.